Starting: Currently

Large white walls with charcoal drawings on them. Two easels, flan the drawings and two grey tables hold art supplies.

My studio space at Hospitalfield, Arbroath, Scotland.

I'm thinking I need a place on this website to stash some half finished thoughts and works in progress.
So I am adding this blog, a place where I can write about my work from time to time- to both objectively examine my own processes and a place to gather feedback, input and ideas.
This feels like a commitment, like I am publicly declaring an intention to update this page -a  bit New Year’s resolution-y. But, like a New Year’s resolution, I’ll give it my best shot.
First order of business: a name for the blog. It needs to allude to the contemporaneous nature of a blog, hint at the visual, and smack of the open-ended quality of works in progress.
So, here’s a dumping of ideas for a blog name:
A Look In
Peek In
Study- a blog
WIP: Working, In Progress
Comment below if you have a favourite or another suggestion. I’m going to use “Currently” as a placeholder until I change my mind.

Staging Change|Brechtian Studies